
How To Have A Lot Of Good Fonts!

Heyo guys!
As you know, we can have a lot of great fonts. And maybe you want to check out some here. But yes, we can download them, but how to input them to Microsoft Word and anything else? Here's how!

1. you have to open Kevin and Amanda's site. Not only font's there are lots of recipes too.
2. Click the 'Free Fonts!'

and then you'll find something like this

3. Click one of them, for example : Fonts for Peas
4. After you click, you'll find something like this :

5. If you want to download it one by one, you can click one of it.

6. after it downloaded, you gotta extract it.
you'll find something like this :

so, you click the (C:) part

after you click windows, you have to click 'Fonts'

after that, you click 'OK'

And.... VOILA! It's done!

But, I WANT TO DOWNLOAD A LOT! How to download a lot of them, or ALL of them?
No worries!
You just have to click the 'Download New' button on the site.

after that you'll find something like this :

and after that you'll just have to do the same with above ones ;)


Bye Semifinal, Hello Final! ♥

As all Indonesian know, AFF Suzuki Cup is almost final, aye. That's why all of my family love to see the players takes over the field!

And so, last night my daddy just got home from Manado. He has something to do. And I don't know that Indonesia is going to the semifinal! I just took a bath, and take care of my hair. But somehow, I hear my daddy's voice so loud and the game seems to be so fun! So, why don't I watch the game? I thought it won't be so fantastic like my dad's shout, but when I watched it, it makes me so addicted. Don't care about the mosquitos that bite me!
And *drum role please!* the final score is 1-0 !! Yeay! Indonesia won the game! And something makes me more interested, and do you know what is that? As always, girls's attitude, the Philippine players! And I also remembered the shirt's number, and do you know whose shirt is that? Yes, J. YOUNGHUSBAND. Oh! He's so cute! Gonzales and some Philippino player are fighting, and then he comes and break the fight! Ahh, so nice! But, not only that, the Philippine coach also SODAMNHOT :D But Younghusband's brother also cute, P. Younghusband. I Google them, and there are lots of pictures I had.
How do you say it.... Ohh, SODAMNHOT
Ohh, cute brothers!

It's him!
Right or left? Both handsome!
Maybe that's all! :D


Oh my oh my!

I hate when my home make a lot of noise! Well, accept for a party. But really, I hate when there are lots of kids hanging around my house and make noise! Especially when they touch my stuff!

So the point is, my cousins come today. Not only my cousins, also their mommy. They stay here for a while, and it makes me crazy! First, the baby. Ohmygoat he's so naughty! He touched everything around him and messed it up! He pee everywhere, and when my aunty hitted him, he cry as loud as he can! OHMY! It's like I wanted to go down and hit him as hard as I can! Shut his mouth up, and throw him somewhere!

And the second is, the three-year-old-monster. I don't know where he comes from, I don't know why he touched everything. EVERYTHING! Like the chairs, the tv, display, and everything. He plays the rice, throw it everywhere. And I wonder, how could face him? Everyday around him, would be hell.

Happy Idul Adha


It's Not The Way I Want It.

Selamat hari ini (?)

Yap, benar. Pikiran saya memang lagi sangat kacau. Jadi begini, aku punya teman (yeaalah), temanku punya teman yang merupakan temanku juga (bener kan gue kacau?). Dan temanku ini atau G, sayang banget sama D. Sebenarnya sih bukan sayang, tapi takut. G ga pernah berani untuk musuhin D, walau gue udah kacangin D. Dan hari ini gue ngomong langsung depan dia, si G ga punya nyali. Dia bilang "gue ga berani ah kalo ngomong sekarang." keliatan banget kan? Dan gue bingung, gimana caranya untuk balikin si G yang dulu!?

G juga sangat amat mengecewakan, udah berapa minggu dia kalo makan di lantai 2 melulu, ga pernah bareng kita lagi. Maksudnya apa sih? Kalo emang udah gak mau temenan sama kita lagi, yaudah. Gak usah sok deket dan sok ga bersalah. G punya banyak alasan untuk menghindar. Oke, fine kalo emang dia udah gamau deket-deket lagi, gue bisa terima. Emangnya temen gue dia doang? Gue punya banyak temen. Dan dia waktu itu pernah gua suruh, dan emang gue lagi repot. Gue cuma suruh nanya ke radis apakah ada lagu Te Amo - Rihanna. Dan dia bukannya nanya, malah ngobrol sama M! Pas ketahuan, sumpah hati gue sakit banget. Ternyata gue udah gak dianggep sahabat lagi.

Gue sayang banget sama G, dia sahabat gue. Gue ga tega untuk ngelepasin dia. Tapi dia udah nyakitin gue banget. Gue emang deket banget sama dia, tapi dia mengecewakan gue. Dia sekarang ga pernah lagi mau main sama gue. Dia menghindar, dan waktu gue minta tolong itu malah dia main sama orang lain. Itu nyakitin banget. Gue ga sanggup temenan sama dia lagi. Gue ga sanggup untuk minta dia jadi sahabat lagi. Kalo dikasih tau, dia cuma bisa bilang 'iya' tapi dia gak bakal ngelakuin! Itu yang bikin dia BEGO. Dia keras kepala, dan kebegoannya adalah hasil dari keras kepalanya. Besok hari Kamis, dan saat itulah hari ekskul teater, dimana gue adalah salah satu pesertanya. Kita sama-sama cinta teater, gitar, dan kita berdua punya bakat yang sama, mampu bermonolog. Kita berdua pernah dipilih menjadi perwakilan sekolah untuk ikut lomba monolog, memang sih gue menang dan juara 1. Dia, mengecewakan. Tapi mungkin karena dia gugup. Disitu gue selalu ada untuk dia. Gue nyenengin dia. Dan ortunya dulu punya something, dia cerita ke gue. Dia ga pernah cerita ke siapa-siapa. Dia selalu cerita dan gue selalu ngasih dia solusi. Dia sampe nangis-nangis cerita ke gue. 

Tapi sekarang udah nggak. Dia udah pergi dari kehidupan gue. Dan gue sedang berusaha menghapus semua memori tentang dia. Makasih yah. Udah mau jadi sahabat gue. Jangan main lagi ke pertemanan kita. :'(

The Time Goes By Slow.

hellooooooooooooo :D:D

Jadi, posting kali ini pake bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Entah mengapa hari ini waktu berjalan dengan lambat, benar-benar lambat. Di sekolah rasanya semuanya berjalan sangat lama. Serius, rasanya sungguh lama.

Tadi pagi pelajaran fisika, entah mengapa gue berpikir kalau abis pelajaran fisika tuh istirahat! Rasa-rasanya tuh abis ini adalah waktu yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu, yaitu istirahat. Terus setelah diingat-ingat lagi, oh ya! Baru pelajaran pertama! Urgh, waktunya berjalan lama banget!

Lalu pelajaran kedua yaitu bahasa Inggris, nah disini gue merasa udah mau pulang aja! Entah kenapa. Terus pas liat jam, lho kok masih jam 10 kurang? Jamnya mati, ya? Yang ada di pikiran saya seperti itu -.- Dan saya baru sadar! Oh iya ya, kan abis bahasa Inggris istirahat dulu. Kenapa gue mikir langsung pulang?

Pas istirahat juga, rasanya sekolah sepi banget. Gue selesai makan dipanggil sama bu Henny, untuk mengurus sesuatu. Itu kita ngebahas perasaan lama banget, tapi istirahat belum kunjung selesai. Biasanya istirahat tuh setengah jam ga cukup! Tapi ini malah lebih, entah kenapa. Saat istirahat ada peristiwa yang mengerikan. Ga mengerikan juga sih, tapi guru ****** saya tadi marah. Baru pertama kali ini saya ngelihat dia marah. Dan rasanya sangat, sekali lagi, mengerikan. Lalu gue mendengar beberapa percakapan yang terjadi antara anak kelas 9 dan Pak ****.

PAK **** (PIJAHUT) : Kamu kenapa tadi main diatas!?
PIJAHUT : Kamu kan disini sudah tiga tahun!
AK9BJ : Peraturan baru ya, pak?
PIJAHUT : Kamu ini! Kamu disini sudah tiga tahun memangnya gak tau peraturan sekolah? Terus kamu disini ngapain aja!?
PIJAHUT : Udah sana!

Oke, sebenernya Pak Pijahut juga bener sih, masa udah 3 tahun masih ga ngerti peraturan yang dibuat sama sekolah? Oke, whatever -__-

Lalu pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Kita disuruh bikin sinopsis tentang sebuah novel. Nah lho, yang menjadi masalahnya kita ngga boleh nyontek sinopsis yang sudah tertulis di belakang buku itu (kan biasanya udah tertulis dibelakangnyaa..). Kita harus baca dulu novelnya, perlahan tapi pasti. Persoalannya, gue gak suka baca. Persoalannya lagi, gue bawa novel Twilight yang jumlah halamannya 518 dan membaca ini harus diselesaikan satu hari. Lalu gue mikir "What the heck!!!". Apa yang harus gue lakuin? GUE.GAK.SUKA.BACA.APALAGI.BACA.AMPE.BERATUS.RATUS.HALAMAN. Baca buku IPA aja yang cuma 2 lembar gue males, apalagi yang 518!? So, akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk langsung nulis sinopsis berdasarkan filmnya. Toh gue afal filmnya ini, ga perlu susah baca!

Lalu yang benar-benar mengerikan adalah saat pelajaran biologi. Ini benar-benar mengerikan. Yah, awal-awalnya kita cuma suruh baca, terus bahan diskusi, bla bla bla. Lalu, hal yang mengerikan ini terjadi. Saat diskusi, kebanyakan anak-anak pada main diluar, termasuk anak baru (AB *nama disensor). Nah, kita lagi seru seru nya main didalem, tiba-tiba muka MMD muncul dan berkata "AB pingsan." Gue mikir, aaahh bercanda. Tapi, masalahnya entah kenapa some feelings makes me believe. MMD bilang "BENERAN!" Hah!? Gela! Abis itu semua anak didalem kelas pada keluar ngerubungin si AB, sayangnya si AB udah keburu diangkut dulu sama PGD (Guru) ke UKS. Wow, so scary. Jadi, ceritanya begini : Mereka lagi ketawa-tawa, dan AB duduk di kursi (depan kelas gue emang ada kursi panjang). Nah, mereka lagi ketawa-tawa, pas udah agak hening tiba-tiba si AB batuk-batuk. Setelah beberapa kali batuk, tiba-tiba dia jatuh. GUBRAK! Dari atas kursi kebawah. Ehhhh ada temen gue yang bercanda dan teriak "oooooooo" dengan nada meremehkan. Masalahnya lagi, si AB ini ga bangun-bangun! Si MMD bilang, "Eh ***, jangan bercanda!". Dia bener ga bangun-bangun! Akhir nya temen gue TSYL langsung manggil PGD. Dan gue yakin, PGD juga udah gugup banget tuh! Akhirnya dia digotong dan dibawa ke UKS.

Deg-degan, banget. Nah, waktu pulang gue pengen liat si AB ini, masalahnya tidak boleh. Eh gue liat ada PHLP, nah kebetulan! Gue masuk UKS alasannya untuk nanya apakah ada ekskul paskibra atau tidak, gue masuk aja sekaligus ngeliat si AB. hehe..

Nah, pas ekskul, bener deh capek banget. Semenjak latihan 17 Agustus, gue udah jarang jalan ditempat, menegakkan badan, dan seterusnya yang dibutuhkan saat paskib. Biasanya gue ambil alih, untuk mengajar adek-adeknya. Dan tadi diambil sama PHLP, aduh capeknyaaaaa!!!!!!! Ga tahan banget! Mana gak ada istirahat makan! Yasudahlah, adek-adeknya ini yang istirahat makan. :D Tapi saat dirumah saya senaaaaang sekali, soalnya mama bawa makanan banyak hehe!! Peace out!

RED : Retired Extremely Dangerous

hiyaaa there!

so how's theatre? isn't it fun!?!?! especially when you're seating next to your bf/gf with a large box of popcorns! Well, I don't have to seat next to them, but I need those popcorns. everytime I go to the theatre, popcorns have to be around me.

but last night, they wasn't. I went to the XXI around my neighborhood, with my daddy and my sister. well, actually I should go to the XXI at satnite but my mom's working the next day so I went home. I've seen the schedule and I saw this movie called RED. I read the synopsis, well I thought the movie was pretty cool. and the D-Day, my sister is a lil' bit dissapointed because there are no Wall Street, she really wants to watch it! But after the waitress says that RED is an action movie, she couldn't say no. So, my father hand the money and the tickets is bought! Oh, and, do you know why that the popcorns are not around me? BECAUSE THE MOVIE WAS SO KEWL!! it was really really awesome, it's AWWSOME! I wanted to buy the popcorns, that fo' sho', but the movie was so great 'til I don't wanna leave the chair! I don't wanna miss a sequel!

If you wanna know more about the movie, Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman are playing. Frank (Bruce Willis), Joe (Morgan Freeman), Marvin (John Malkovich) and Victoria (Helen Mirren) used to be the CIA's top agents -- but the secrets they know just made them the Agency's top targets. Now framed for assassination, they must use all of their collective cunning, experience and teamwork to stay one step ahead of their deadly pursuers and stay alive. To stop the operation, the team embarks on an impossible, cross-country mission to break into the top-secret CIA headquarters, where they will uncover one of the biggest conspiracies and cover-ups in government history. Want to watch the trailer? Click here. And if you wanna check the website, click here. and if you wanna find RED on Facebook, click here.

Finally, I've Finished The Mess!

Hey there!

So, how's world? Fun, isn't it? But also messy.

So, these days I'm making on my blog project "Finishing All The Mess". My blog is a huge mess before! Really, really messed out! The ugly header, dividers, and stuffs. But, Thank God the internet have Shabby Blogs. This site is really helpful. And also thanks to Natalia Peregrina, she's the one who helps me with all of those things. And so, now I satisfied because of my blog. It really looks fun and fresh. Hope you guys like it too, by following my blog. HA-HA! And guys, please tell me how my header is by voting. The vote place is precisely next to the posts, you can just check on the left side of the posts. :)

Thanks, and leave a comment! :)

A prayer.

A prayer for Indonesia.

Tuhan, saya tahu Indonesia membuat banyak masalah.
Tuhan, saya tahu Indonesia sungguh berdosa.
Tetapi Tuhan, kami Indonesia tetap anak-anak Mu.

Tuhan, bencana yang Kau berikan sungguh berat. Cobaan ini sungguh berat. Tsunami Mentawai, Banjir Wasior, dan kini Merapi Meletus. Cobaan ini sudah sangat berat. 

Kami tahu dan mengerti bahwa ini adalah hukuman bagi kami, yang tidak melakukan perintahMu. Dunia ini sungguh sudah hancur, kami hanyalah debu dimataMu. Tetapi Tuhan, sekali lagi kami adalah anak-anakMu. Engkau akan senantiasa mengasihi kami. 

Tuhan, saya mohon, berilah kekuatan dan ketabahan. Berilah pencerahan bagi kami yang tidak mengerti apa titahMu, berilah petunjuk untuk menjadi anak yang baik dimataMu. 

Tuhan, sungguh cobaanMu memang berat, dan menghadapinya akan semakin berat. Tetapi berilah kami kekuatan yang hebat untuk mengatasi semua masalah ini. Terutama untuk pemerintah Indonesia yang mungkin kurang sigap mengatasi masalah ini. Mungkin juga pemerintah sudah sigap, hanya peralatan yang dibutuhkan belum memadai.

Tuhan, walau begitu kami sungguh berterima kasih atas hari-hari ini yang membuat kami mengerti betapa hebatNya kuasaMu.


Newbie ~~

jadi, ada anak baru disekolah. namanya **************. yap, gue gabung.

gue dikasih tau sama temen gue namanya tewe, dia bilang kalo anak ini suka clubbing, dan stuff like that. dia juga udah pindah 2 kali, dan ketiga kalinya adalah kesekolah gue. dia ini anaknya liaaaarr. dan sempet ga naik kelas sekali (what!?). cakep-cakep tapi ogeb ckck . tapi mukanya sangat amatlah baik, rasanya kalo gue jahatin GA TEGA. dan anak ini emang jarang senyum sih, gatau kenapa. gue pengen mendekati anak ini, tapi masalahnya ada di temen gue. first impression yang buruk ini bikin temen gue ga suka kalo gue deket sama dia. rasanya, gue bakal terjangkit sesuatu gitu. sesuatu yang buruk. tapi, gue juga bisa jaga diri. gue bukan anak kecil yang harus dijaga kali. gue tau saat yang tepat untuk ikut temen, dan saat yang salah. so, gue memutuskan untuk tetap diam sampe si newbie ini yang ngedeketin gue? salah, ato bener sih?


Hello! Myspace Comments

First, I wanna thank to Natalia Peregrina to the award! Such a honor to accept this :)

I got this from my friend, LIA. So, for everyone who got this award, they have to give this award to *at least* ten people. T-E-N. TEN (10). And these are my luck ten :

And so, the AWARD taker must put these links on their own blogs :


Sebelum teman-teman meletakkan link-link di atas, hapus terlebih dahulu peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Peserta nomor 2 menjadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link Anda sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10). Tapi ingat...!!!, kalian semua harus adil dalam menjalankannya. Jika tiap penerima award mampu memberikan award ini kepada 5 orang saja dan mereka semua mengerjakannya , maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah :

Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jumlah backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang sObat inginkan. Dari sisi SEO (Search Engine Optimation) sobat sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan keuntungannya, blog sobat akan mendapatkan traffic tambahan, apalagi jika ada yang meng-klik link ke blog sobat.SO, DO NOT GIVE AWAY THIS LINK!

Erase my answer, and replace it with yours.. Question : " Menurut Anda apakah yang dimaksud blogger sejati ? "
Answer : "I think, a true blogger is a blogger that can share the positive value about their life, and a true blogger is a blogger that really likes to tell the people about their stories, and that stories contain positive value to their life and the reader can take that positive value so that they can do this positive things in their life. But, a true blogger also a blogger that can edit their own blog, and their blog became so fun to read! And a true blogger, never ever tell their bad stories about someone, because by telling someone silly stories, make sins. A true blogger, is smart, creative, confident, and full of love and happiness!"
Thanks for this award! 

"Be a creative, smart, and fun blogger!"

Bye Myspace Comments


Hello! Myspace Comments

What a day! So, this day was started with Journal lesson. It is very lovely, 'cause I could see my boy! Actually, he is not my boy. But I liked him sooomuchyy:* Loveeyaa!

And then, after that, it was 'PKN' lesson. And we are having a test! Whatthe!? Well, I don't want to make a bad score. So, I study hard for this. When I see my teacher is walking, I'm so nervous. OmyGod I really really want this so bad. I know I can be the best! I'm sure! Hearing the questions wasn't so hard for me. Actually, I don't know just 3 number. Well, 3 is a small thing for you but not for me. Maybe that means I could get around 8-8,5 about this test. I wasn't so sure about that. But, the thing is that test is EASY! Yeaaa!

And then here goes the RECESS! I always love this part. Who doesn't? Actually I'm not so hungry, but I remember that I need food. I haven't breakfast yet also. Playing with my friends is so lovely! But, one of my friends got problem. It was only about seat places. Yeah, confusing. But, it is not the point. The point is, the leader of the class has been incited by the enemies. Well, I can't say it's my enemies, it's my friend's enemies.

And then the math lesson. It was so boring, the teacher gives us some quiz, and we have to solved it out. Well, I'm not the one who's smart at math so, I'm out. I don't love these kinds of quiz. And the teacher distributed the test, I got a very very very bad score. I hated it. I don't understand the thing that he's telling!

And finally, RELIGION CLASS! I really love this class, it was so awesome! Our task is to perform our drama. I'm not sure if I can get a high score for this, but I'm the expert actually. But I don't make this drama, my friend made it.

And for extracurricullar, it's kinda boring and dissapointing. Because, I have tried my best to make yells, but I don't win. Maybe, it is my fault too. If I made it yesterday, it would be better. But SOMEONE's group always won this kind of competition, and I know it. She also deserves this.

It's been a day! And tiring day, and sad day, and nervous day, and dissapointing day :(

Bye Myspace Comments

Do You Accept THIS!?


I don't accept this kind of things. I don't mind about countries, but where is WORLD PEACE? this blog is really disgusting. indonbodoh.blogspot.com !! do you indonesian takes this? please, to the government, take step for this one! we don't accept this kind of things! this is harrasment! Isn't this embarrassing? say AYE! guys, our religion teach us how to make peace. PLEASE STOP THIS!

New Blog!

sorry guys I've made my newest blog (again). because I don't satisfied with my old blogs. everytime I see inspiration, I want to make it on my new blog. because, I feel so desperate about things. Please keep reading my blog! :)