

Hello! Myspace Comments

First, I wanna thank to Natalia Peregrina to the award! Such a honor to accept this :)

I got this from my friend, LIA. So, for everyone who got this award, they have to give this award to *at least* ten people. T-E-N. TEN (10). And these are my luck ten :

And so, the AWARD taker must put these links on their own blogs :


Sebelum teman-teman meletakkan link-link di atas, hapus terlebih dahulu peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Peserta nomor 2 menjadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link Anda sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10). Tapi ingat...!!!, kalian semua harus adil dalam menjalankannya. Jika tiap penerima award mampu memberikan award ini kepada 5 orang saja dan mereka semua mengerjakannya , maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah :

Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jumlah backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang sObat inginkan. Dari sisi SEO (Search Engine Optimation) sobat sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan keuntungannya, blog sobat akan mendapatkan traffic tambahan, apalagi jika ada yang meng-klik link ke blog sobat.SO, DO NOT GIVE AWAY THIS LINK!

Erase my answer, and replace it with yours.. Question : " Menurut Anda apakah yang dimaksud blogger sejati ? "
Answer : "I think, a true blogger is a blogger that can share the positive value about their life, and a true blogger is a blogger that really likes to tell the people about their stories, and that stories contain positive value to their life and the reader can take that positive value so that they can do this positive things in their life. But, a true blogger also a blogger that can edit their own blog, and their blog became so fun to read! And a true blogger, never ever tell their bad stories about someone, because by telling someone silly stories, make sins. A true blogger, is smart, creative, confident, and full of love and happiness!"
Thanks for this award! 

"Be a creative, smart, and fun blogger!"

Bye Myspace Comments


Hello! Myspace Comments

What a day! So, this day was started with Journal lesson. It is very lovely, 'cause I could see my boy! Actually, he is not my boy. But I liked him sooomuchyy:* Loveeyaa!

And then, after that, it was 'PKN' lesson. And we are having a test! Whatthe!? Well, I don't want to make a bad score. So, I study hard for this. When I see my teacher is walking, I'm so nervous. OmyGod I really really want this so bad. I know I can be the best! I'm sure! Hearing the questions wasn't so hard for me. Actually, I don't know just 3 number. Well, 3 is a small thing for you but not for me. Maybe that means I could get around 8-8,5 about this test. I wasn't so sure about that. But, the thing is that test is EASY! Yeaaa!

And then here goes the RECESS! I always love this part. Who doesn't? Actually I'm not so hungry, but I remember that I need food. I haven't breakfast yet also. Playing with my friends is so lovely! But, one of my friends got problem. It was only about seat places. Yeah, confusing. But, it is not the point. The point is, the leader of the class has been incited by the enemies. Well, I can't say it's my enemies, it's my friend's enemies.

And then the math lesson. It was so boring, the teacher gives us some quiz, and we have to solved it out. Well, I'm not the one who's smart at math so, I'm out. I don't love these kinds of quiz. And the teacher distributed the test, I got a very very very bad score. I hated it. I don't understand the thing that he's telling!

And finally, RELIGION CLASS! I really love this class, it was so awesome! Our task is to perform our drama. I'm not sure if I can get a high score for this, but I'm the expert actually. But I don't make this drama, my friend made it.

And for extracurricullar, it's kinda boring and dissapointing. Because, I have tried my best to make yells, but I don't win. Maybe, it is my fault too. If I made it yesterday, it would be better. But SOMEONE's group always won this kind of competition, and I know it. She also deserves this.

It's been a day! And tiring day, and sad day, and nervous day, and dissapointing day :(

Bye Myspace Comments