
How To Have A Lot Of Good Fonts!

Heyo guys!
As you know, we can have a lot of great fonts. And maybe you want to check out some here. But yes, we can download them, but how to input them to Microsoft Word and anything else? Here's how!

1. you have to open Kevin and Amanda's site. Not only font's there are lots of recipes too.
2. Click the 'Free Fonts!'

and then you'll find something like this

3. Click one of them, for example : Fonts for Peas
4. After you click, you'll find something like this :

5. If you want to download it one by one, you can click one of it.

6. after it downloaded, you gotta extract it.
you'll find something like this :

so, you click the (C:) part

after you click windows, you have to click 'Fonts'

after that, you click 'OK'

And.... VOILA! It's done!

But, I WANT TO DOWNLOAD A LOT! How to download a lot of them, or ALL of them?
No worries!
You just have to click the 'Download New' button on the site.

after that you'll find something like this :

and after that you'll just have to do the same with above ones ;)


Bye Semifinal, Hello Final! ♥

As all Indonesian know, AFF Suzuki Cup is almost final, aye. That's why all of my family love to see the players takes over the field!

And so, last night my daddy just got home from Manado. He has something to do. And I don't know that Indonesia is going to the semifinal! I just took a bath, and take care of my hair. But somehow, I hear my daddy's voice so loud and the game seems to be so fun! So, why don't I watch the game? I thought it won't be so fantastic like my dad's shout, but when I watched it, it makes me so addicted. Don't care about the mosquitos that bite me!
And *drum role please!* the final score is 1-0 !! Yeay! Indonesia won the game! And something makes me more interested, and do you know what is that? As always, girls's attitude, the Philippine players! And I also remembered the shirt's number, and do you know whose shirt is that? Yes, J. YOUNGHUSBAND. Oh! He's so cute! Gonzales and some Philippino player are fighting, and then he comes and break the fight! Ahh, so nice! But, not only that, the Philippine coach also SODAMNHOT :D But Younghusband's brother also cute, P. Younghusband. I Google them, and there are lots of pictures I had.
How do you say it.... Ohh, SODAMNHOT
Ohh, cute brothers!

It's him!
Right or left? Both handsome!
Maybe that's all! :D


Oh my oh my!

I hate when my home make a lot of noise! Well, accept for a party. But really, I hate when there are lots of kids hanging around my house and make noise! Especially when they touch my stuff!

So the point is, my cousins come today. Not only my cousins, also their mommy. They stay here for a while, and it makes me crazy! First, the baby. Ohmygoat he's so naughty! He touched everything around him and messed it up! He pee everywhere, and when my aunty hitted him, he cry as loud as he can! OHMY! It's like I wanted to go down and hit him as hard as I can! Shut his mouth up, and throw him somewhere!

And the second is, the three-year-old-monster. I don't know where he comes from, I don't know why he touched everything. EVERYTHING! Like the chairs, the tv, display, and everything. He plays the rice, throw it everywhere. And I wonder, how could face him? Everyday around him, would be hell.

Happy Idul Adha


It's Not The Way I Want It.

Selamat hari ini (?)

Yap, benar. Pikiran saya memang lagi sangat kacau. Jadi begini, aku punya teman (yeaalah), temanku punya teman yang merupakan temanku juga (bener kan gue kacau?). Dan temanku ini atau G, sayang banget sama D. Sebenarnya sih bukan sayang, tapi takut. G ga pernah berani untuk musuhin D, walau gue udah kacangin D. Dan hari ini gue ngomong langsung depan dia, si G ga punya nyali. Dia bilang "gue ga berani ah kalo ngomong sekarang." keliatan banget kan? Dan gue bingung, gimana caranya untuk balikin si G yang dulu!?

G juga sangat amat mengecewakan, udah berapa minggu dia kalo makan di lantai 2 melulu, ga pernah bareng kita lagi. Maksudnya apa sih? Kalo emang udah gak mau temenan sama kita lagi, yaudah. Gak usah sok deket dan sok ga bersalah. G punya banyak alasan untuk menghindar. Oke, fine kalo emang dia udah gamau deket-deket lagi, gue bisa terima. Emangnya temen gue dia doang? Gue punya banyak temen. Dan dia waktu itu pernah gua suruh, dan emang gue lagi repot. Gue cuma suruh nanya ke radis apakah ada lagu Te Amo - Rihanna. Dan dia bukannya nanya, malah ngobrol sama M! Pas ketahuan, sumpah hati gue sakit banget. Ternyata gue udah gak dianggep sahabat lagi.

Gue sayang banget sama G, dia sahabat gue. Gue ga tega untuk ngelepasin dia. Tapi dia udah nyakitin gue banget. Gue emang deket banget sama dia, tapi dia mengecewakan gue. Dia sekarang ga pernah lagi mau main sama gue. Dia menghindar, dan waktu gue minta tolong itu malah dia main sama orang lain. Itu nyakitin banget. Gue ga sanggup temenan sama dia lagi. Gue ga sanggup untuk minta dia jadi sahabat lagi. Kalo dikasih tau, dia cuma bisa bilang 'iya' tapi dia gak bakal ngelakuin! Itu yang bikin dia BEGO. Dia keras kepala, dan kebegoannya adalah hasil dari keras kepalanya. Besok hari Kamis, dan saat itulah hari ekskul teater, dimana gue adalah salah satu pesertanya. Kita sama-sama cinta teater, gitar, dan kita berdua punya bakat yang sama, mampu bermonolog. Kita berdua pernah dipilih menjadi perwakilan sekolah untuk ikut lomba monolog, memang sih gue menang dan juara 1. Dia, mengecewakan. Tapi mungkin karena dia gugup. Disitu gue selalu ada untuk dia. Gue nyenengin dia. Dan ortunya dulu punya something, dia cerita ke gue. Dia ga pernah cerita ke siapa-siapa. Dia selalu cerita dan gue selalu ngasih dia solusi. Dia sampe nangis-nangis cerita ke gue. 

Tapi sekarang udah nggak. Dia udah pergi dari kehidupan gue. Dan gue sedang berusaha menghapus semua memori tentang dia. Makasih yah. Udah mau jadi sahabat gue. Jangan main lagi ke pertemanan kita. :'(